Activate and Launch KCM

Written by Karen
Updated 1 year ago

Before you can begin to use Kiosk Check-In Manager (KCM) you must activate and configure the default settings. 

 Note: KCM is kiosk specific - NOT account-specific. Each kiosk is managed by its own KCM. If your account contains multiple kiosks, you will need to activate a KCM for each kiosk.

1. Click Mobile Tools from the main menu.

 2. Click Digital Kiosk Wizard.

 3. Click the pencil icon in the edit column of the Kiosk for which you wish to activate a KCM. 

 4. Click 'Check-In Manager' at the top of the screen.


5. When you see a pop-up, click 'Create Kiosk Check-In Manager', and the page will refresh and issue a KCM URL you can use and edit as needed.

6. Click 'Launch Check-In Manager' to open KCM and enter your login PIN on the pin pad provided.

7. (Preferred) Each KCM is assigned a unique, case-sensitive, URL that can be opened from any browser.  

Note: After you open the URL on the intended device, you can save the URL as a bookmark or shortcut on the device’s home screen for easier access in the future.

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