How do I setup an opt-in before the gamification?

Written by Nate
Updated 3 years ago

To set up an opt-in page before gamification, go to 'Advanced settings' of your coupon builder and turn on 'Social login'

There it will ask you to either enable Facebook, Email or Datacapture.

If you enable Facebook then it will ask the customer to log in with it. Once logged in they can continue with their gamified coupon

If Email is enabled the customer has the option to either sign in or register with their email address. If they have registered before by email on one of your other coupons then they simply need to enter their email address and their password. With email registration they have to enter their first name, last name, email address and set up a password.

If Datacapture is enabled you can decide what the customer needs to fill in before they play your gamified coupon. The image below shows you what you can enable with Datacapture.

Their details will be stored on the statistics page of your gamified coupon. You can find the statistics by going to your dashboard, select statistics under coupons and then you select your coupon where you have social login enabled.

If you scroll all the way down you will see the list of people that has filled in their detail on social login.

The image below is an example list of customer who only had to enter their first and last name to play a gamified coupon

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