How do I send push notifications to everyone who downloaded my app?

Written by Nate
Updated 4 years ago

If you purchased an app created by 2 Reward Me we'll provide you an app manager dashboard which allows you to send Push Messages.

In order to send push messages to your customers on your white label app you first need to have the App Manager.

Here is a step by step guide:

Click on the 'Push Message' button on the top left your App Manager dashboard

Click on the 'Add' button to add a new push message

As you can see, there are 3 options

  • Message: Here you can write your push notification message text
  • Send message to a category: you can leave this empty.
  • Send from: Here you can setup a date and time when to o send the push message

Feel free to contact us by email ( or by contacting the chat support on your dashboard

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