How to set up Customer-Facing Screen (CFS) sliders and print templates with QR codes

This article includes information about ClearLine's set of devices that include CFS, and three step-by-step guides that help you understand the feature better.
Written by Karen
Updated 7 months ago

The Customer Facing Screen (CFS) is a powerful tool from ClearLine, designed to enhance your customers' experience and promote stronger business-customer relationships. The CFS can be set up either on ClearLine's provided devices or on your own.

A standard ClearLine set consists of an employee tablet and a customer tablet. If you choose to use your devices, you can follow the guides below to set up your CFS and custom templates.

Guide #1: how to connect CFS

1. Access your Admin Panel and navigate to CFS Display Controller on the left side menu. You can add and select multiple CFS screens per location

2. To get the CFS code, follow the provided link from your customer device or a ClearLine customer tablet. To add a new slider, press "Add New Content"

Guide #2: how to create a template and set it up on your CFS.

Select the type of content you'd like to display. You can choose between predefined and custom settings.

Guide #3: how to create a custom template and set it up on your CFS

If you choose to use a custom image, you need to retrieve the image URL. This can be done by right-clicking on the desired image from your website, Facebook page, or other hosting sites, and selecting "Copy image address"

Paste the copied URL into the relevant field, and add a Template Name 

Select one or multiple locations, press "Next", verify the information, and then click "Save" 

While the template is active, you can share its QR code with your customers. You also have the option to print it.

Almost done!

Once saved, you should see a "Success" window. You can repeat these steps to create as many sliders as needed. You can also preview them at any time.

Finally, go to the Marketing Center from your Admin Panel by clicking on your name, and continue using the apps. If you need to update the slider immediately from the Marketing Center, click on "Update CFS Slider".

You're all set!

Now, whenever you press 'Show QR Code' from any of our apps, the QR code will be displayed on your CFS.

For more help, learn how to set up QR codes & Short URL Features, as well as Global Templates.

If you prefer not to use custom templates, you can revert to the default images we've created for you.

Enjoy the enhanced customer interaction with your new CFS setup!

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