How to setup and use Download Mobile App

This article consists a step-by-step guide that helps to understand how to setup and use Download App.
Written by Karen
Updated 10 months ago

Setting up the Download Mobile App feature in your ClearLine Marketing App is a straightforward process. The steps below will guide you through both the setup and usage:


  1. Open the Admin Panel.

  2. Navigate to Marketing App Settings.

  3. Activate the Download Mobile App feature.

  4. Click on App Settings.

  5. Insert the links to your mobile application.

  6. Choose your preferred Delivery Method by activating the respective checkboxes.

  7. Click on 'Apply and Preview' to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  8. If everything looks good, click on the 'Save' button to finalize your settings.

How to use it?

1. Open the Marketing Center.

2. Click on 'Download Mobile App'.

3. Choose a recipient or click the plus sign to add new recipients.

4. Fill out the recipient's Email or Phone details. Optionally, you can click 'Message personalization' to provide more detailed information.

5. If you click 'Message personalization', you can enter the first and last name of your customer and details about the product/service/package they purchased.

6. If you fill out the info in 'Message personalization', the customer will receive a personalized email/message that includes their name and product details. We recommend this approach as it adds a personal touch to your customer communication.

7. Click 'Add Recipient'.

8. Click 'Send' to dispatch the message.

Alternatively, you can display the QR code to your customers through the Customer Facing Screen (CFS). To learn more about setting up your CFS and printing the QR code, click here.

By following these steps, you can effectively promote the download and usage of your mobile app, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

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